Film/ TV/ Video Work

(Simply click on the playlist tab in the upper right-hand corner of the video screen to select clips) The video player above contains a few of the film projects and commercial ads I’ve been involved with in and around Los Angeles, New York, and in Europe, in which I either voiced, acted, wrote, edited, or directed, or a combination thereof.  Some of these films were very unique in concept and presentation. Whether it was a lead role, a featured background part, being involved in the development of the script, narrating, or directing myself and others, it was all great fun and an invaluable education. Quite a few of these projects used overseas production crews exclusively. Some collaborations were done in part or completely online, while others incorporated sets on location and in studios.

I would be remiss to present any of these projects and not reflect on the amount of time and attention to detail involved, from treatment and preproduction all the way through to post and beyond.

I thank all of the wonderful actors and crew members who contributed their talents, put in long, hard hours, and were a joy to work with, even under sometimes trying circumstances. Their professionalism, patience, and fortitude are a tribute to their character and to their standards.
These clips are also available on My You Tube Channel for your convenience.


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